Find the time to be you
Find the time to be you
If you you are one of those people who are asking,”Where did the time go”, then your not alone. Now that 2012 is here don’t watch as life just passes by. My suggestion for the new year, is to go back to the days when a quite relaxing day ways exactly what the doctor ordered.
Find a relaxing place, pull out a good book and jump head first into the story. Don’t stop reading until you are part of the story. When you finish that book, get another one and become the main character. Continue this process, until you escaped enough of the real world to breathe a sigh of relief. Reading is the best therapy in life. When Shelly gets a new book and really becomes a part of the book it is truly magical. I can ask her a question while she is reading and she won’t answer. When the phone rings or a plane fly’s overhead she won’t hear a sound. It really is “her time” and it’s that special book that separates us from the rest of the world.